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演講公告——Applications of special functional polymer materials and artificial intelligence. 童立生 教授

講題: Applications of special functional polymer materials and artificial intelligence. 特殊功能高分子材料及人工智慧的應用
Seminar 1:Recent Developments of Polymer Foams, Blends, Composites, Aerogels, and Hydrogels with Special Functions and Properties
Seminar 2:Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Process Optimization and Innovation of Injection Molding
時間:2024/01/31(三) 10:00~12:00
地點:工學院大樓四樓 機械系會議室 CGU Engineering Building 4F
講者:美國威斯康辛麥迪遜大學 機械工程系 童立生( Lih-Sheng Turng) 教授

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